You can consult our privacy policy, which sets out how we handle the personal data that we collect from visitors: Privacy policy
Please read this page carefully, as well as the information below, to better understand our practices regarding the processing of your personal data.
The purpose of this cookie policy is to help you understand how cookies may be placed on your device when you use this website, in line with your cookie preferences (as previously expressed).

A cookie is a text file stored on your device (computer, telephone, tablet, etc.) when you visit a website. It enables its issuer to uniquely identify your device during its period of validity, as well as store certain information relating to your visit. This is intended, above all, to streamline your browsing experience, or to offer you content tailored to your interests.

Some cookies are essential for use of the website, while others are used to optimize and personalize the content displayed.

Cookies placed on your device may be issued by Docaposte Institute, or by third parties. Docaposte Institute mainly places cookies relating to the operation of the site, also known as ‘session’ cookies.
The other cookies are ‘third-party’ cookies and are placed on the website by partners. Docaposte Institute ensures that the placement and use of cookies are compliant with European regulations.

Here is a list of the different types of cookies used for this site:

  • Required cookies
    These cookies are essential for a smooth browsing experience. They are placed so that each user can benefit from the features of the Docaposte Institute website.
    We place these cookies on our website to remember your preferences, as well as to provide you with more accurate and personalized features. The information you may be asked to give us might include your language choice, your region, or your name. These cookies may also be used to authenticate you, enable you to watch videos, or post comments below articles. The information collected through these cookies is anonymous and cannot be used to track your browsing activity on other websites.


  • Performance cookies
    Certain cookies are placed to collect information on how visitors use our website. We may use them to identify the content visited by users in order to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services.
    These cookies enable us to measure the traffic and audience associated with our website, as well as the pages visited and the interactions carried out during your visit. The performance cookies used on the Docaposte Institute website are as follows:
    The _pk_id_, placed by Matomo, enables us to obtain visitor statistics so that we can optimize our site and detect any problems. This technology allows web analytics services to place and read their own cookies or other identifiers on your device, which they can then use to gather information on your online activity in applications, websites, or other services.


Session cookies

This cookie is placed by Tarteaucitron to memorise the user’s cookie preferences.

180 Days

Anonymous visitor statistics

12 months

Anonymous visitor statistics

30 days

Third-party cookies

This cookie is placed by Matomo to store a few user details, such as the unique visitor ID (which counts and tracks the pages viewed by the user).

13 months

This cookie is placed by Matomo to store attribution information, the referrer initially used to visit the website.

6 months

This cookie is placed by Matomo to temporarily store data for the visit. These are short-lived cookies.

30 minutes

This cookie is placed by Matomo to check whether your browser supports cookies.

1 minute (created and directly deleted)

This cookie is set by HCaptcha and is used for strictly necessary technical purposes: load balancing, routing.

Depends; up to 30 days

This cookie is placed by HCaptcha and is used for strictly necessary technical purposes: to enable users to use the accessibility features.

30 days

The data collected by cookies placed on your device is kept for a maximum of thirteen (13) months, regardless of their nature.

When selecting cookie preferences, any consent or refusal given for cookies will be kept for a period of thirteen (13) months. At the end of this period, you will be asked again for your consent to the placing of cookies on your device.

There are multiple ways for you to manage your preferences:

  • Express your choices via the cookie manager
    Docaposte Institute has set up a cookie manager tool that can be accessed via the ‘customise’ link on the information banner – this is displayed when you first connect to the Docaposte Institute website. It is a simple tool that allows you to adjust the placement of cookies by category: required cookies, social media cookies, ad selection cookies, etc. Docaposte Institute does not accept cookies from other sites. If our users choose not to respond to the information banner, or not change cookie placement settings before using our website, we will assume that they have refused by default. Required cookies are cookies that do not need consent and are authorised automatically. All cookies that do not fall into this category will be subject to your prior consent before being activated. If you set your browser so that all cookies are systematically refused, the refusal of required cookies may worsen your experience and therefore the service that we provide.
    The preferences you express using this tool will only apply to your browsing experience on the Docaposte Institute website.